Believe Survivors’ Stories

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Start by believing.

Every October we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month - a time to celebrate survivors and their children, educate our community on the complexities of domestic violence, and remember the victims of this pervasive issue that affects one in three women here in Texas.

This DVAM, SafeHaven is excited to share the innovative work we are developing as our staff is researching tools and processes that work best to keep survivors safe and hold offenders accountable. We regularly assess where gaps are in our community’s response to domestic violence and how those gaps would best be filled, and we are even working on models that we hope become nationally and internationally recognized.

We believe that to truly end domestic violence it will take our entire community working together, and we’re excited to have you on our team!

Big announcements

SafeHaven is proud to present the Start by Believing Pledge as a vital resource for companies to keep employees safe and help organizations understand this pervasive issue. Through this initiative, we have the opportunity to transform workplaces into places of support.

Click above to learn more!

Click above to learn more!

SafeHaven, in collaboration with the nationally-esteemed RAND Corporation, is working to develop a tool to help the criminal justice system and others in the work of domestic violence determine the dominant aggressor in an abusive intimate partner relationship.

Click above to learn more!

Each year, the Tarrant County DV Fatality Review team publishes a fatality review report. Through the review process, the team seeks to determine the details around each IPV homicide, and to explore possible systemic, policy, and practice improvements in our county and beyond.

Order Merch!

Celebrate survivors this Domestic Violence Awareness Month with SafeHaven’s official DVAM merch! 100% of proceeds provide safety to families seeking life-saving resources at SafeHaven.

How to help a friend
experiencing abuse

When a victim of domestic violence opens up about her relationship, it’s our first instinct to want to help. But sometimes our need to react can be hurtful. Here are some guidelines to follow if you find yourself in a position where you want to best support a victim of intimate partner violence. 

The steps

1. first and foremost, listen.

It takes a lot of courage and strength to offer an outcry for help, so it’s important that outcry is met with a listening ear and an open heart. Show support in whatever ways you can, and check in on your friend as often as possible.

2. Believe her.

Often, abusers can be charming and charismatic, and it can be hard to believe that someone seemingly good can do such bad things. It is not your role to be an investigator and search for “evidence” of the abuse. It is your role to listen and believe. 

3. Don’t blame her.

Our culture has a common phrase we learn as children: It takes two to tango. In relationships marred by violence, it only takes one. There is nothing that justifies abuse, so don’t ask the victim what her role was in the incident. She already feels shame, and questioning her contribution only makes it worse. 

4. Offer unconditional support.

- even when she chooses to stay in the relationship. Our gut instinct is to think, “If I were here, I’d just leave!” Victims know their abusers best, and know how to navigate their relationship best. It takes most victims between six and nine attempts to leave before that separation is permanent. Remind her that her leaving is not a condition of your support.

5. Keep it confidential.

She has confided in you because she trusts you. Speaking out and revealing information may hurt the victim. However, if you believe children are being abused, you are legally responsible to report the abuse.

6. Call us with questions.

SafeHaven operates Tarrant County’s only domestic violence hotline and has trained, bilingual advocates who answer the phones 24/7. Remember, your role as a confidant is crucial, but it's important to involve professionals who are trained to handle domestic violence cases. Encourage your friend to connect with local resources that can offer specialized support and guidance tailored to their specific needs.

hotline: 1 (877) 701-7233

keep survivors safe

Donate Financially

With your financial gifts, women and children have access to life-saving shelter, healing counseling, free legal aid, transitional housing, and the other vital resources they need to heal. Donate today to let domestic violence victims know you care for their safety.

Provide daily needs

Most families come to shelter with nothing more than the clothes they are wearing. When you donate items, you ensure women and children have a comfortable stay in shelter by providing access to their daily needs like toiletries, clothes, bedding, school supplies and more.

Be an advocate

We can’t end domestic violence in Tarrant County without your advocacy. Share information about SafeHaven with your friends, family and coworkers, and be sure to follow us on social media.

Facebook: @safehaventc
Instagram: @safehaventc