Partner Abuse
Intervention & Prevention
Partner Abuse Intervention and Prevention program (PAIP)
Our program has been a trusted community partner providing BIPP services in Tarrant County for more than 30 years. SafeHaven is the largest and only state-designated non-profit service provider in Tarrant County working exclusively in the area of domestic violence. It is our reason for being, and as such we take our roles very seriously.
At PAIP, we work with both court-mandated clients and volunteer clients, and our work is a large part of SafeHaven's mission to end the epidemic of domestic violence. To do so, we have to target the source of the violence.
Understanding the complexities of the mandated client and behavioral change, SafeHaven’s PAIP was a trailblazer in extending the length of our program beyond the minimum length to align with best practices nationally and internationally. That decision was risky at the time, but we always stand by evidence-based practice and research. The evidence shows the longer someone has engaged in groups, the lower their risk of reoffending is. We partnered with Dr. Deborah Levesque, renowned behavioral scientist and change researcher, to use the URICA domestic violence change assessment and found that our program had a clinically significant effect on clients’ readiness to change, with 62.3% progressing one or more stages in readiness to end their abusive behavior.
We have continually provided BIPP groups that are above and beyond the minimum requirements of the state, and we follow best practices in all areas of our work. Our staff members are experts in domestic violence intervention and prevention and work in the community as task force members, counselors, educators, and advocates.
Our program offers specially targeted groups for men, women, bilingual, and LGBTQ client populations. SafeHaven PAIP has been a longtime grant recipient in Tarrant County and participates in grant and research studies to improve intervention services. We have had a long-time collaboration with Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs (DAIP), creators of the world renowned Duluth Model of coordinated community response and the curriculum we use, "Creating a Process of Change." Our expertise with the curriculum and our DAIP partnership is so advanced that we were named the gold-stamped referral program for their specialty clients.
Our program pricing is competitive and affordable, and we offer discounted services for those who are working toward change. We hope you will take the first step with us.
The Partner Abuse Intervention and Prevention program (PAIP) is SafeHaven’s accredited Battering Intervention and Prevention program, also known as “BIPP.”
PAIP is SafeHaven’s only fee-based program and works with domestic violence offenders to take violence off the table in their relationships. Offenders attend a two-hour class each week for 27 weeks, including check-ins and working through scenarios and real-life examples to better understand themselves and their beliefs on relationships.
We believe everyone has the capacity to change, and we are here to facilitate that process. We also believe that we can continue to serve victims for eternity, but that doesn’t end domestic violence. While we are committed to continuing our services for victims, we understand that in order to make systemic change in our society, we must address the root of this problem with reformative services.